How Does Earth’s Greenhouse Effect Work?

The Sun’s energy can be difficult to find its way back to space. It gets absorbed by the atmosphere and releases greenhouse gases

The greenhouse effect is a mechanism that maintains the temperature of Earth. It occurs when the atmosphere absorbs the radiation emitted by the sun. The solar radiation then reflects back to the Earth.

The amount of radiant energy that Earth receives from the sun is about 30%. As a result, its atmosphere warms up as carbon dioxide and water vapor absorb the heat.

The greenhouse effect helps keep Earth’s temperature at the ideal level for life. It prevents it from reaching the moon’s temperature, which is about 8.6 degrees Celsius.

The difference between the moon’s and Earth’s average temperature is due to the presence of various gases in the atmosphere, such as water vapor. These emissions contribute to the planet’s greenhouse effect.

Anthropogenic activities are known to increase the concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and ozone. These emissions then contribute to the global temperature increase.


The greenhouse effect is a natural process that helps keep Earth’s temperature below freezing. It’s getting stronger as we add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Although the term greenhouse effect has been around since 1824, its origin is unclear. According to French mathematician Joseph Fourier, Earth’s atmosphere functioned like a hotbox when it was heated.

Fourier didn’t use the term greenhouse effect when he studied Earth’s atmosphere. Instead, he credited atmospheric gases for keeping the planet warm.

In his book “Worlds in the making,” German physicist Wilhelm Arrhenius explained how the atmosphere works.

The atmosphere allows most of the Sun’s visible light to pass through. As it gets heated, its energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and its temperature rises.

The atmosphere’s temperature increases as it warms, which then sends infrared radiation back to Earth.

Greenhouse Gasses Effect the Earth

Without the effect of the greenhouse effect, Earth’s average surface temperature would only be around 18 degrees Celsius. On Venus, which has the highest concentration of greenhouse gases, its temperature rises to 450 degrees Celsius.

Although the effects of climate change are natural, it’s possible that human activities could contribute to the greenhouse effect by raising the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Scientists believe that by the end of the 21st century, the human-caused increase in greenhouse gases will push the global average temperature up by about 0.5 degrees Celsius. This climate phenomenon could trigger extreme weather conditions and disrupt various food production regions.

How Does the Greenhouse Effect Work?

The energy emitted by the Sun as it reaches Earth is trapped in the atmosphere and absorbed by the greenhouse gases.

Earth’s temperature would still be below freezing without the greenhouse effect. As a result, its climate is getting warmer.

As the Sun’s heat gets absorbed by the atmosphere, it goes back to space. The complex structure of greenhouse gases makes them more sensitive to heat. This explains why they absorb the Sun’s heat.

Some of the greenhouse gases are methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrous oxide. They’re made up of three or more atoms and have a vibrating structure. After absorbing heat, the vibrating molecules release radiation.

A Couple of Common Greenhouse Gases

Carbon dioxide is made up of a single carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. In the mid-19th century, about 270 parts per million of carbon dioxide were in the atmosphere. This amount has increased to more than 400 ppm since 2015.

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that can absorb vast amounts of heat. Although it’s only found in small concentrations, it can still make a big impact on global warming.

Earth’s surface is warm due to the Sun’s energy. Some of the heat is absorbed by the atmosphere and then radiated to space.

Even though only a tiny amount of greenhouse gases are in Earth’s atmosphere, their immense effect on the climate is already visible.

The increasing quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is being attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. Aside from methane, other greenhouse gases are also released from farm animals.

As more greenhouse gases enter Earth’s atmosphere, the more heat that reaches the surface is more likely to be absorbed by the additional gases. It then continues to heat the planet until it reaches another planet.

How Do Greenhouse Gases Trap Heat in The Atmosphere?

Water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide are all greenhouse gases. They trap heat in the atmosphere through a process known as the greenhouse effect.

Let’s start with a simple carbon dioxide molecule. Look at how this gas diffuses among the other gases in the atmosphere after coming from your car.

According to MIT professor Jesse Kroll, greenhouse gases absorb light and create bonds between atoms.

The bonds between carbon and oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide molecules bend and stretch to absorb light.

Eventually, the CO2 molecules will release light, which are known as photons. They then bounce back to Earth and keep trapping heat.

Unlike on Earth, greenhouse gases don’t absorb all the light that gets into their atmospheres. Instead, they take in photons that come from space. When absorbed, these particles help keep the planet warm.

The wavelength range of 15 microns, which is the threshold for absorbing light, is a crucial window for greenhouse gas absorption. It allows them to pick the most appropriate light to absorb.

Kroll also noted that CO2 has a long atmospheric life. It’s because the gases react with the atmosphere due to the presence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen.

When exposed to oxygen, methane produces an unusual reaction that causes it to oxidize. This process can remove methane from the atmosphere in about 12 years.

The long lifespan of CO2 is one of the factors that humans are contributing to climate change. As a result, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly.

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