What Is The Best Climate To Grow Strawberries?

Strawberries are a very tempting thing to try and grow yourself because of the common knowledge that they taste far better homegrown than they do when they’re from the store. Which, considering store-bought strawberries taste, is pretty delicious indeed.

And the good news is, strawberries are very easy to grow. They’re even considered one of the best things for beginners to try, and you can grow them in most climates.

What Temperature Do Strawberries Grow In?

The range of temperatures in which strawberries can successfully grow is quite large indeed. Anything from 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) is considered safe for strawberries to grow in.

Strawberries’ ability to grow and thrive in many different temperatures has earned the reputation of strawberries being one of the easiest plants to grow regardless of climate. So unlike with many other plants, you don’t have to worry over temperature quite so much.

The one climate related concern that you might need to have is actually in regards to humidity. If strawberries are exposed to too high of humidity levels then they could start to form mildew. You typically avoid this problem by ensuring there is enough air circulation in the area.

What Temperature Can Strawberries Tolerate?

These hardy little plants can handle a variety of temperatures before they sustain any damage, but it doesn’t hurt to know the plant’s limit. Hot weather is unlikely to cause much damage at all, but strawberries are a lot more vulnerable to cold weather.

Strawberries can handle temperatures down to about 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degrees Celsius) without being killed or sustaining much damage. And when the fruit is still young and green, it won’t be damaged until 28 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 degrees Celsius).

As far as damage by heat goes, strawberries have been known to thrive in environments where the temperatures often exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius). They’ll just need to be planted later in the year than if you were in a cooler climate.

By planting the strawberries in late summer, you are setting them up to be harvested in the winter time. This is the best method because strawberries need cooler, or at least warm, temperatures to flower and fruit productively. They can’t flower and fruit in hot weather.

Can Strawberries Get Too Much Sun?

Generally speaking, you should be more wary of shade rather than sun harming your strawberries’ growth. Strawberries need lots of sunlight to grow, and shade can actually hinder their growth and produce a smaller, if not non-existent, yield.

Your strawberries are going to need about 6 to 10 hours of direct sunlight a day to be at their healthiest. If strawberries spend too much time in the shade then it could be detrimental to their growth and potential harvest.

This being said, they do still need to be in some shade during the afternoon sun because they’re more likely to be sunburned during this time. Luckily, strawberry plants are very near to the ground and so it should be easy to cover them with a tarp if you can’t move them.

Can Strawberries Survive Winter?

Strawberries can easily survive winter if the proper precautions are taken. They’ll need to be protected from extremely cold weather and frost by covering them with tarps at night. So as long as you keep an eye on them and keep them warm, then they should be fine.

Even though strawberries can survive winter, it isn’t exactly what you want for them. So unless you live in a climate with extremely hot summers and you actually need to harvest the strawberries during the winter, then the best time to plant strawberries is in the spring.

Planting strawberries in early spring will ensure that you get the harvest of fruit during the summer, which is when most people want strawberries anyway. Just make sure that if the cold weather isn’t quite over, that you make sure to protect the new plants against potential frosts.

What Temperature Can Strawberries Grow Indoors?

If you do happen to be growing your strawberries indoors, and have control over the exact temperatures that they’re exposed to then that’s great! This way you can control both daytime and nighttime temperatures to get the best fruit.

During the day you should keep temperatures at about 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 24 degrees Celsius). This is the perfect range of temperatures for strawberries but isn’t normally something you can achieve if you’re growing the plants outdoors.

The secret to having larger, sweeter, better flavored strawberries is actually to have cooler temperatures at night. The perfect range for this would be 50 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 12 degrees Celsius). Lower temperatures at night are fantastic for strawberries.

What Is The Ideal Temperature For Strawberries To Grow?

Strawberries don’t rely too much on the perfect temperature to grow, and can thrive in many different climates. Although typically the harvest will taste better if the temperatures can be warmer during the day and cooler at night.

Indoor, outdoor, and across all seasons, strawberries basically need the same thing. And that thing is a temperature range of anywhere from about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

But if the temperatures in your area differ then simply take that into account, and if temperatures reach critical levels then cover your strawberry plants to protect them from the climate. And remember to remain watchful of the humidity and have plenty of air circulation.

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